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 Homework and Grading Policy


I'll accept work up to ONE DAY LATE. Late work will be graded at 50%. Students are responsible for completing work on time with exceptions for absences. Students are given the amount of days they are absent to make up any missing work.  Students are responsible for any homework assigned in class.  The online homework page will be updated weekly and daily if necessary.  I will also be linking worksheets and study guides.  Please contact me with questions or concerns.

Classroom Rules and Expectations


Students are expected to follow these rules:


  1. Be on time and prepared for class everyday

  2. Participate in class discussions

  3. Be respectful to others

  4. Listen and follow directions

Behavior Plan

It is so important that all students can learn and be successful in our classroom.  Therefore students are expected to follow rules.  Each violation of the classroom expectations and rules will result in the student being given a mark on his or her discipline log with a brief description of the rule that was broken.  Three marks=after school detention and a phone call home.

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